Volume 2, Number 1
This issue covers articles on the death of a BC student due to an accidental shooting, the laying off of 1,385 CUNY professors due to budget cuts, and news of the publishing of a BC student's first novel.
Preferred Citation: Ti...
Vol. LXXII – No. 4
This issue contains articles on a violent attack on two BC students, a wave of on-campus assaults, and the limits of what campus security can do assist people in distress.
Preferred Citation: Title of Newspaper. volume #, issu...
Volume 3, Number 8
This issue covers articles on an attack on a BC student on Campus Road, a civil rights complaint filed against BC, and a successful blood drive held by campus groups.
Note: There are duplicates of pages 6 and 7 in the scan.
Vol. LV – No. 10
This issue contains articles on the BC president being cited for extravagant spending, the Faculty Council making moves against the president, and attacks against women students on campus.
Preferred Citation: Title of Newspaper. ...
Vol. XLIII – No. 1
This issue contains articles on the continued protests over CUNY budget cuts, news of the upcoming commencement ceremony for the then largest graduating BC class, and President Kneller's response to fight between BC students.
Vol. LXVI – No. 10
This issue contains articles on an assault of a student on campus and a dispute over funds between the Emergency Medical Squad and student government.
Note: The volume number is corrected for this issue, but the issue number i...
Vol. LXX – No. 6
This issue contains articles on an assault outside Hillel House and a subsequent rally against the violence.
Preferred Citation: Title of Newspaper. volume #, issue #, date of publication. Brooklyn College Illumira, url, accessed...
Vol. LXXII – No. 12
This issue contains articles on Gov. Mario M. Cuomo being named graduation keynote speaker, the indictments against a man accused of multiple sexual assaults near campus, the approval of student election commissioners, and the ...
Vol. LXXIII – No. 1
Issue published on a Tuesday rather than the usual Friday. This issue contains articles on possible NCAA violations committed by the BC basketball coach, the closing of a bookstore that served the campus, and an update on furth...
Vol. LXIX – No. 1
This issue contains articles on the shooting death of a student near campus and budget cuts for CUNY.
Preferred Citation: Title of Newspaper. volume #, issue #, date of publication. Brooklyn College Illumira, url, accessed on mm...