Vol. LVI – No. 8
This issue contains articles on angry protests over racism in the student assembly and administration, the student assembly yielding to pressure over a funding vote, and a new chairperson for the Philosophy Department.
Vol. LXIX – No. 11
This issue contains articles on violence against Asians near campus, a possible state budget boost for CUNY, and BC students marching in support of abortion rights.
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Vol. 57 – No. 3
This issue contains articles on charges filed against students for their role in a sit-in, a memorial for a student who was killed, and budget cuts for student clubs.
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Vol. XXI—No. 9
House Planning Association invites Dr. Henry Steel Commager to be featured speaker at its semi-annual Bildersee-Maroney lecture, Faculty Student Committee on Student Organizations approves of BC label for its local NAACP chapter’...
Vol. LXXI – No. 13
This issue contains articles on pending changes to CUNY grade policy, a planned two day anti-bias rally, and the death of a longtime college registrar.
Preferred Citation: Title of Newspaper. volume #, issue #, date of publicat...
Vol. LVI – No. 1
This issue contains articles on the arrest of a faculty member and two students, a faculty vote of no confidence in the BC president, and state budget cuts to higher education.
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Volume 2, Number 5
This issue covers articles on discussions of how budget cuts are taking their toll on BC with enrollment also plummeting, the BC soccer team appealing suspensions, results of the School of General Studies (SGS) election, and of va...
Volume 2, Number 12
This issue covers articles on student protests across CUNY campuses over budget cuts, the conviction against a former BC student who was charged with murder and rape (amongst other crimes), and the first SG presidential debate sp...
Vol. XLII – No. 10
This issue contains articles on the first of a series of articles providing an overview of the City University's 'Conference on Open Admissions,' details on the BC voter registration drive, and the Assembly's allocation of funds...
Vol. LII – No. 5
This issue contains articles on the release on a governance plan that increases student power, a brief student occupation of the BC President's office, and the death of a BC student.
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