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Kingsman, February 12, 1990

Vol. LXXI – No. 3 This issue contains articles on faculty criticisms of the BC president and his administration, and the pending trustee evaluation of BC President Robert Hess. Preferred Citation: Title of Newspaper. volume #, issue #, date of pu...

Kingsman, November 4, 1991

Vol. LXIX – No. 10 This issue contains articles on a sexual harassment forum on campus and smooth operations for student government. Preferred Citation: Title of Newspaper. volume #, issue #, date of publication. Brooklyn College Illumira, url, a...

Kingsman, February 10, 1967

Vol. XXXIV – No. 1 This issue contains articles on a resolution for an experimental pass-fail grading system, results from the Middle States Association for Colleges and Secondary Schools' accreditation report, and news that a professor that had p...

Kingsman, October 14, 1960

Vol. XXI—No. 4 Board of Higher Education sues State Commission Against Discrimination arguing they lack legal authority over the services that employ teachers, BC Librarian Rose Sellers completes tour of visits in the Middle and Far East includin...

Kingsman, May 2, 1969

Vol. XXXVIII – No. 9 This issue contains articles on continued student protests, the selection of a negotiating committee created from the Faculty Council to hear student demands, and an assembly held to discuss the current 'crisis' of student dem...

Kingsman, November 13, 1989

Vol. LXX – No. 10 This issue contains articles on Rev. Al Sharpton's campus visit, a lawsuit against the BC president, and controversy over an economics professor's denial of promotion. Preferred Citation: Title of Newspaper. volume #, issue #, d...

Kingsman, April 14, 1967

Vol. XXXIV – No. 9 This issue contains articles on a resolution calling for the compilation of a teach-evaluation booklet, news of the long-awaited Faculty Council vote on larger student representation, and Robert Kennedy scheduled to speak in the...

Kingsman, November 18, 1960

Vol. XXI—No. 8 BC soccermen provided with a bid to NCAA soccer championship, all BC faculty departments to address the issue of cheating, the Flatbush boosters led by Carlton Reilly secure its first Metropolitan Conference Championship in 8 year...

Kingsman, February 17, 1978

Vol. LVI – No. 1 This issue contains articles on the arrest of a faculty member and two students, a faculty vote of no confidence in the BC president, and state budget cuts to higher education. Preferred Citation: Title of Newspaper. volume #, is...

Kingsman, September 25, 1961

Vol. XXIII—No. 1 Dr. Clarence O. Senior has been named to the 9 man Board of Education, BC faculty welcomes 40 new teachers with Dr. Dr. Clarence O. Senior joining sociology department at BC, BC Student Union and Social Science Building will res...