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St. John’s Evan. Lutheran Church, Maujer St

Postcard is a black and white illustration of St. John’s Evan. Lutheran Church on Maujer Street. The postcard is divided. The picture side reads

American Philosopher John Rawls

American Philosopher John Rawls

In Rawls "A Theory of Justice," he proposes several principles that would impove the situation of a least advantaged in society.

Composer John Cage

Composer John Cage

John Cage, a poet and a visionary, describes the multiplicity of sounds that he hears when all is silent. An excerpt from Cage%u2019s Improvisations

Painter John Constable

Painter John Constable

The painter John Constable show a feeling for nature similar to Wordsworth's. Industrialization began in the textile industry. The 1830s was a

John Bowlby 1907-1990

John Bowlby 1907-1990

John Bowlby was a British psychiatrist and psycho analyst who thought that bonding was an essential part of child development. He developed an

Composer John Adson

Composer John Adson

In England, John Adson's masques. A performance of his "Courtly Masquing Airs" is included.

Salinas Valley: John Steinbeck

Salinas Valley: John Steinbeck

Using Steinbeck's books as a guide, this journey through the Salinas Valley provides the backdrop for his stories.

John Millington Synge

John Millington Synge

Yeats encourages Synge to leave Paris and come to Ireland. He writes "The Playboy of the Western World." It is utterly Irish yet a satire

English Composer John Dunstable

English Composer John Dunstable

Dunstable's influence includes giving importance to the "top nine" in a piece of music, creating harmonized melodies. He wrote "

John Ruskin: Upbringing

John Ruskin: Upbringing

John Ruskin, born in 1819, is home-schooled as a child. Religious, brought up to love nature, and hard-wired to see the world as good fighting evil