Discrimination based on race or ethnicity is an issue that affects and has affected millions of people who have come to the United States to live. When tension and fear are at their highest, as in post 9/11 America, anti-immigrant sentiment often r...
Poverty has long been a fact of life in many African-American communities. In part this has been due to discrimination but, more recently, broad-based structural changes in the American economy have also played a part. The financial challenge fac...
Profile of "Our Family Coalition," an organization that serves families with lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender members in the San Francisco Bay area.
While there are some social and cultural forces that work against minority families in the United States, many of these same families often find strength in other aspects of American culture.
In many families today, the job of childcare has been farmed out. While some see this as a source of serious family problems, others contend the impact of outside-the-home childcare has been mostly positive. Still, many experts contend that the ch...
A glimpse into the daily lives of a racially and ethnically diverse group of American families.
Since 1900, average life expectancy in the United States has nearly doubled, going from 47 years to about 78 ears for males and 82 years for females. In most cases, the quality of life has increased along with the quantity, but growing older still...
Profile of an extended Asian-American family whose members emigrated from Viet Nam.
The experiences of men and women in the workplace are often very different. Women frequently must contend with gender-based discrimination. Although the courts got involved in gender-related employment issues in the 1970's, the burden of fighting ...
After losing their child during the eighth month of pregnancy, Sarit and Arnold Swanborn make the decision to adopt.