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Philosopher W.V. Quine talks about behaviorism, stressing that the explanation of an event has always got to be expressed in physical terms. As part of this discussion, he touches on how children learn language, noting that they do so by viewing som...

Connecting Different Fields of Philosophy

Connecting Different Fields of Philosophy

Philosopher Hilary Putnam makes the case for connecting the different fields of philosophy. As an example, he cites ethics and epistemology, arguing that looking at these together would enable us to see things in a different light.

Does the Mind Shape the World?: Does the Mind Shape the World?

Does the Mind Shape the World?: Does the Mind Shape the World?

Immanuel Kant, born in 1724 sought to resolve a controversy that had been brewing for over a century. Rationalists argued that knowledge is based on reasoning inside our minds. Empirists disagreed saying that all knowledge must come from the senses....



Philosopher W.V. Quine talks about truth, pointing out paradoxes that often crop up in such discussions. As an example, he cites the contradiction inherent in the sentence, "This sentence is false."

Pragmatism, Language and Reality

Pragmatism, Language and Reality

Philosopher Richard Rorty explores the link between language and reality, suggesting that no one language is any closer to reality than any other. Whether it's the language of poetry, the language of physics, the language of theology or any other la...

Language, Truth and Happiness

Language, Truth and Happiness

Philosopher Richard Rorty explains his belief that the quest for happiness is more fundamental than the quest for truth. In his view, people developed language in order to achieve kinds of happiness they hadn't achieved previously. Professor Rorty a...

The Role of Language

The Role of Language

Philosopher Hilary Putnam explains his statement that "...the belief that language describes something outside of ourselves plays an essential role in our human lives." In so doing, Professor Putnam readily acknowledges that he's learned a good deal...

Turning Away From Functionalism

Turning Away From Functionalism

Philosopher Hilary Putnam talks about turning away from his earlier view of functionalism, to another perspective which recognizes the impact and significance of experience and one's social environment on the way one thinks.

Unconceptualized Reality

Unconceptualized Reality

Professor of Philosophy Hilary Putnam explains his belief that the world we can think about and talk about is a world that is conceptualizable by us.

Are Interpretations True?: Hermeneutics

Are Interpretations True?: Hermeneutics

The branch of philosophy that deals with interpretation is called hermeneutics, a field that today is applied to many parts of life. Not too long ago its primary focus was on language and methods that assist us in getting at the meaning of texts. In...