This clip explains that achieving a high level of customer satisfaction often depends on providing the best customer service possible.
This clip talks about the importance of establishing pricing goals, noting that pricing shouldn't be determined solely on the basis of costs and desired profit margin, but as part of the overall marketing mix. Competitors' prices should also be take...
This clip explores a number of commonly used pricing strategies, including odd pricing, skimming pricing, follow-the-leader pricing, and penetration pricing.
This clip notes that the total cost of operating a business must be considered before the small business owner makes pricing decisions. The clip also talks about the difference between fixed and variable costs.
This clip considers the importance of knowing what potential customers want. While there are a variety of market research tools that provide this kind of information, often the best way to find out what customers want is simply by asking them.
We discuss customer concerns and the need for each salesperson to become familiar with them as they relate to their customers.
Learn why it is important to provide the prospective buyer with specific knowledge needed to make the best possible buying decision.
We focus on those decisions, activities, and communication techniques that form selling strategies for new and old products.
This clip reviews the basic rules for multiplying decimals, then provides practice problems requiring the student to locate the decimal point. The clip also notes that, "Â…our rule for decimals is based on the rule for exponents."
This clip explains that if two factors with the same sign are multiplied, the product is always positive. When two factors with different signs are multiplied, the product is always negative.