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Immigration and Insecurity

Immigration and Insecurity

Professor of American studies and history Matthew Frye Jacobson explains that much of the fear of Third World immigration in the United States stems from insecurity and an increasing sense of scarcity.
Subject: race

Race, Ethnicity and Family: Racial Stereotypes and Discrimination

Race, Ethnicity and Family: Racial Stereotypes and Discrimination

Race has always played an important role in American society. Often, racial differences give rise to ugly stereotypes, which in turn fuel bigotry
Series: Ethnicity And Race Relations
Subject: race
Transcript: [jacobson] i think that race is the most significant organizer Of american society, and has been. It's race that determined who would be slaves And

1924 Immigration Act, The (Part Two)

1924 Immigration Act, The (Part Two)

Professor of American studies and history Matthew Frye Jacobson talks about the way politicians used the 1890 Census in order to justify the stipulations of the 1924 Immigration Act and limit the number of "undesirables" from Russia and Italy.
Subject: race

Race, Ethnicity and Family: Immigrant Families in the United States

Race, Ethnicity and Family: Immigrant Families in the United States

Discrimination based on race or ethnicity is an issue that affects and has affected millions of people who have come to the United States to live
Series: Ethnicity And Race Relations
Subject: race
Transcript: , Chicanas can't be managers. They can't be professors. " And the reason they can't do it is that their culture, Their race and ethnicity, Is such that does

Race, Ethnicity and Family: Diverse American Families

Race, Ethnicity and Family: Diverse American Families

A glimpse into the daily lives of a racially and ethnically diverse group of American families.
Series: Ethnicity And Race Relations
Subject: race

Race and the Accumulation of Wealth

Race and the Accumulation of Wealth

Professor of Sociology and Public Policy Dalton Conley notes that the typical Black family in America today has about one-eighth the net worth of the typical White family. He observes that, despite the Civil Rights gains of the 1960's, the gap betwe...
Subject: race

Race-Class Debate, The

Race-Class Debate, The

Professor of Sociology and Public Policy Dalton Conley discusses the "race-class debate," which focuses on whether racial background or class and
Subject: race
Transcript: One of the hottest issues in sociology is What's called the race-class debate. And that boils down to the question of is Race more important in

Racializing of Immigrants, The

Racializing of Immigrants, The

Professor of American studies and history Matthew Frye Jacobson talks about the racial labels applied to immigrants in the mid to late nineteenth century. Professor Jacobson explains that Irish immigrants, along with Eastern European Jews, Italians ...
Subject: race
Transcript: 70's, you'll see the phrase "the catholic race," and where religion and race are fused. But increasingly from the mid-nineteenth century To the

Immigrant Story: Myth or Reality, The

Immigrant Story: Myth or Reality, The

Professor of American studies and history Matthew Frye Jacobson talks about what he calls the myth of the white ethnic revival. Professor Jacobson points out that the G.I. Bill gave huge numbers of second generation white ethnic Americans their firs...
Subject: race

Racial Comparisons in Literature

Racial Comparisons in Literature

Professor of American studies and history Matthew Frye Jacobson explains that eugenics was a popular topic in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century, often referred to by politicians in the discussion of American expansionism. Professor Jac...
Subject: race