PDF text: -known brand, sold a liquid disinfectant that ads claimed could be used
interchangeably for "successful womanhood" or athlete's foot. 35
This strategy won sales
PDF text: investigations and publications were all
part of his system. He saw that Eastman was more interested in
politics than in organizing athletic contests or directing
PDF text: upheld mandatory drug tests for student
Page 824
100 Colum. L. Rev. 1739, *1759
athletes based on an open-ended balancing of government interests
PDF text: were all
part of his system. He saw that Eastman was more interested in
politics than in organizing athletic contests or directing boys' clubs.
It is
PDF text: or respect? Is
"more ltke ourselves" the criterion for greater respect? Whiteness? Braininess? Athletic ability? Whose standards do we