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Contraceptive consumers gender and the political economy of birth control in the 1930s

PDF text: -known brand, sold a liquid disinfectant that ads claimed could be used interchangeably for "successful womanhood" or athlete's foot. 35 This strategy won sales


PDF text: investigations and publications were all part of his system. He saw that Eastman was more interested in politics than in organizing athletic contests or directing


PDF text: upheld mandatory drug tests for student Page 824 100 Colum. L. Rev. 1739, *1759 athletes based on an open-ended balancing of government interests


PDF text: were all part of his system. He saw that Eastman was more interested in politics than in organizing athletic contests or directing boys' clubs. It is

Harvard Div School and Joseph P. Kennedy Fdn.The Terrible Choice.1967

PDF text: or respect? Is "more ltke ourselves" the criterion for greater respect? Whiteness? Braininess? Athletic ability? Whose standards do we accept? . Wi