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Showing results - 31 to 40 of 70
Hard Times: Depression and American Culture, The

Hard Times: Depression and American Culture, The

The Depression shakes the nation's confidence, although the reactions of individuals vary. A new awareness of poverty seems to emerge even though it is nothing new. Movies, an important cultural force, are caught up in the politics of the time, as e...

Hard Times: Election of 1932

Hard Times: Election of 1932

The unpopularity of Hoover virtually guarantees a Democratic victory in the election of 1932. Democratic candidate Franklin Delano Roosevelt is not the most titanic figure on the political landscape, but he wins the nomination because of powerful su...

Hard Times: Depression's Effect on Banking and Industry, The

Hard Times: Depression's Effect on Banking and Industry, The

Although relatively few people are invested in the market, the 1929 stock market crash destabilizes other areas of the economy, particularly the banking system. Hoover encourages development of the National Credit Corporation to help rescue banks in...

Hard Times: Causes of the Depression

Hard Times: Causes of the Depression

Signs that the economy is not as healthy as it seems surface in the late 1920s. The agricultural economy is depressed during most of the decade. The automobile economy is dropping because the market is saturated. The fever of speculation drives pric...

America in a World At War: Arsenal of the Allies

America in a World At War: Arsenal of the Allies

The most decisive contribution the U. S. makes to the war is industrial production. The country becomes the arsenal of the Allies producing 49% of the world's goods and services. With so many millions of soldiers away women and minorities became a m...

Between the Wars: World War II Begins

Between the Wars: World War II Begins

British and French leaders meet with Hitler in Munich in September of 1938. The Munich Accords that are developed stipulate that Hitler will retain portions of Czechoslovakia he already occupies but will go no further. By spring of 1939 Hitler overr...

America in a World At War: War on Two Fronts

America in a World At War: War on Two Fronts

After the Japanese bomb Pearl Harbor, the United States becomes more involved in the war effort. The United States must make a decision to either help the Allies fight the Nazis in Europe, or defend their honor by engaging in a war against Japan in ...

Between the Wars: Germany and Japan Invade Neighboring Countries

Between the Wars: Germany and Japan Invade Neighboring Countries

As the nations of the world are distracted by their own economic problems, two major powers in Europe and Asia, Germany and Japan, are making aggressive incursions into neighboring countries. The Germans feel that the peace treaties after World War ...

Between the Wars: Germany Advances in Europe

Between the Wars: Germany Advances in Europe

In late 1940, Roosevelt trades destroyers to British in return for access to bases in our hemisphere, commits to lend lease, and meets with Churchill to draft Atlantic Charter that projects the "shape" of a post-war world, Privately Roosevelt tells ...

Age of the City, The: Infrastructure and Political Issues

Age of the City, The: Infrastructure and Political Issues

Growth forces cities to rebuild their infrastructure and reconceptualize their political systems in the late 19th century. In fact the governmental institutions and services we think of as essential to an American city are created during this time p...