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Showing results - 31 to 40 of 106
Personality and interests

Personality and interests

This video demonstrates the connections between personality, interests, and work preferences. Students get in touch with their primary interest patterns and aspects of their personality through various exercises.

Professional image

Professional image

The secret to presenting a professional image goes much deeper than external appearances. This video investigates not only the visible factors of proper attire and hygiene, but the issues of attitude, professional self-esteem, familiarity with techn...

Public Safety, Law, and Security

Public Safety, Law, and Security

The U.S. Department of Labor predicts a 29 percent jump in criminal justice-related positions within the next few years! This program introduces nine individuals who help protect others in very different ways: a firefighter, a police officer, an EMT...

Energy and resources

Energy and resources

As the Earth's fossil fuel reserves decline, what forms of energy will come next? After discussing the formation, uses, and consequences of burning coal, oil, and natural gas, this video explores the development of alternative resources that may som...

Why we buy what we buy

Why we buy what we buy

In a consumer culture, the pressure to buy can be as subtle as it is relentless. This program introduces the craft of advertising, explaining the difference between needs and wants while analyzing the power of celebrity endorsements, the psychologic...

Accepting the challenge: issues on the job for people of color

Accepting the challenge: issues on the job for people of color

Focusing on the issues that can arise during employment, this ethnically diverse program shares the often frustrating and dramatic experiences minorities often face while on the job. Experts advise on how to deal constructively with problems such as...

Your immune system

Your immune system

Every day is a new battle for the human body as microscopic intruders try to muscle their way in. What specialized cells and organs are there to resist them? This program clearly and concisely maps out the complicated human immune system, explaining...

Aging: what an autopsy reveals

Aging: what an autopsy reveals

To most people, old age means gray hair and wrinkled skin - but that's just the surface. In this program, anatomist Gunther von Hagens and pathologist John Lee focus on the rarely seen, internal effects of aging. The body of a woman who died in her ...

Dealing with Bullying

Dealing with Bullying

A recent survey by the U.S. Department of Justice states that one out of every four kids is bullied in some way—and that estimate, according to other reports, is too conservative. Why is bullying so widespread? What are the various forms it can ta...

Dealing with Peer Pressure: I Made My Choice

Dealing with Peer Pressure: I Made My Choice

The friendships that are formed during adolescence provide teenagers with some of their fondest memories. Friendships can also influence individuals to do things that they normally wouldn’t do. Actions that all too often have negative and far-reac...