Michael Rutherford has been writing poetry and teaching children how to write, and enjoy, poetry for over twenty years. In this classic program, which takes place in one urban and one rural elementary school, Michael masterfully demonstrates how poe...
Educators utilize copyrighted materials to enhance instruction through the use of various media, so it is imperative they have good knowledge of the laws of copyright. In the first segment of this program, "Copyright Works in the Classroom," attorne...
Host Jeannine Edwards introduces attorney Arnie Lutzker who turns his focus specifically on the Technology, Education, and Copyright Harmonization Act, the TEACH Act, which was signed into law in 2002, updating copyright law in the area of digital d...
Host Jeannine Edwards reminds viewers that Fair Use has been the subject of litigation more than any other limitation in the Copyright Law. For this reason attorney Arnie Lutzker devotes this entire program on the subject of Fair Use, providing a cl...
Dr. Vaughan Clift develops medical technology for astronauts at NASA (National Aeronautic and Space Agency) in Houston, Texas. The bizarre conditions in space are a great stimulus to creative solutions to very unusual problems. Amongst other things,...
The Arctic is warming up twice as fast as the rest of the planet; its frozen world is one of the last refuges of the unknown land on Earth and the Arctic, as we know it, is, literally, disappearing. Under the threat of global warming, this vast expa...
This program further explores the idea that everything is made of particles by looking at: 1) the difference between atoms and molecules; 2) the difference between elements, compounds and mixtures; 3) how an element like lead can exist in various fo...
About this title: William Durham, professor of anthropology and human biology at Stanford University, provides answers to the question, what is evolution by natural selection?
About this series: William Durham, professor of anthropology and human...