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Showing results - 31 to 40 of 77
Using Piazza for Online Math, Physics and Chemistry Tutoring

Using Piazza for Online Math, Physics and Chemistry Tutoring

Piazza is a free online tutoring site that allows for instructors to setup areas where students can ask and answer questions. Normally Piazza is set-up by individual instructor and associated with specific courses. At NJIT, Instructional Technology ...

Using student blogs as reflective practice

Using student blogs as reflective practice

Presentation Abstract: The progression in the past decade of blogs from personal web journals to a platform for established professionals, corporations and writers has also created opportunities for education. This session looks at the use of blogs ...

Using moodle for online course delivery

Using moodle for online course delivery

Moodle provided an effective interface for the online learning format. Any discipline that uses online teaching or needs a record of student work for accreditation or assessment purposes can benefit from this project as it allows discussion, journal...

First year seminar on social networking & sustainability: lessons learned

First year seminar on social networking & sustainability: lessons learned

Most first year college students tell stories of "getting caught" on their laptops Facebooking or MySpacing. They are members of multiple social networks, with highly developed online communication and multitasking skills, so desirable in today's jo...

Use of screencasts in information literacy instruction

Use of screencasts in information literacy instruction

The development of information literacy has become an essential curricular goal in undergraduate education regardless of major or instructional delivery format. This session summarizes collaboration between a college librarian and a faculty member, ...

Online multicultural field experiences: possibilities, pitfalls, and potential solutions

Online multicultural field experiences: possibilities, pitfalls, and potential solutions

Presentation Abstract: Teacher educators are required by accreditation standards to provide field experiences for their students in diverse settings in order to prepare them for the realities of todays K-12 schools. This presents a challenge however...

Affordable Network Monitoring with PRTG

Affordable Network Monitoring with PRTG

This presentation will demonstrate the practical application of Paessler PRTG Network Monitor as a central point for keeping an eye on all network attached devices on your campus from almost anywhere. PRTG Network Monitor is an affordable monitorin...

Powerful lectures, self grading exams, and dynamic gradebooks, using cloud computing

Powerful lectures, self grading exams, and dynamic gradebooks, using cloud computing

Want lectures with truly seamless audio and video? Want to give paperless exams that grade themselves? Want a gradebook that is dynamic and will automatically update a student accessible grade web page? Bring your classroom into the new era of cloud...

Teaching, writing, and speaking with classroom capture

Teaching, writing, and speaking with classroom capture

Presentation Abstract: Classroom capture technology, typically designed to make faculty-lead classroom activities and instruction available to students for later review, can be repurposed to create interactive self-evaluative learning activities for...

Interactive fiction, texting, and English composition

Interactive fiction, texting, and English composition

Presentation Abstract: As our students spend more time on the Internet and less time with actual physical texts, it becomes essential for educators to adopt new tools to teach the pedagogy of English composition and writing skills. Using the history...