Truman succeeds Roosevelt upon the president's death in April 1945. As fighting rages on between the Allies and Japan, Truman declares an ultimatum to the Japanese to surrender unconditionally by August 3, 1945. But Japan wants one condition, to kee...
Historian Allan Winkler calls Ronald Reagan a "classic cold-war warrior." As tensions escalate, $1.5 trillion is spent for nuclear and conventional weapons that will protect the U.S. and maintain its military superiority. Reagan wins decisive victor...
President Carter's inexperience in Washington causes some tension in Congress. With high annual inflation rates and high unemployment, Carter appoints Alfred Kahn as "inflation czar." In that role Kahn is asked by Congressional committees to explain...
In the 1948 Presidential election, the Democratic Party is split with Truman's approval at an all time low. The various factions support Strom Thurman, and then Henry Wallace. Republicans unite behind a single candidate, Thomas E. Dewey of New York ...
Korea is divided after World War II, with the USSR occupying the northern part of the country, the U. S. the South. In June of 1950 North Koreans attack across the 38th parallel trying to conquer South Korea and unify the country. There is concern t...
Roosevelt says little about foreign affairs in the 1932 presidential campaign. Six weeks after Roosevelt's inauguration Adolph Hitler becomes Germany's Chancellor. Roosevelt continues a nationalist policy from 1933 to 1935, showing little interest i...
European nations are suffering from devastation and debt after World War I. Countries maintain their debts payments to the United States as long as Germany pays reparations. The stock market crash in U. S. triggers crises in other countries. The ina...
The Depression topples a number of existing governments and replaces them with powerful, belligerent leaders who see expansion as a solution to their country's economic problems. Japan attacks and conquers the Manchurian area of China and sets up th...
After World War I, the United State's foreign policy is focused on maintaining the country's position as a world power, acting forcefully but alone. The United States becomes more insular in 1920s, adopting the Republican idea of "conservative inter...
After the Japanese bomb Pearl Harbor, the United States becomes more involved in the war effort. The United States must make a decision to either help the Allies fight the Nazis in Europe, or defend their honor by engaging in a war against Japan in ...