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Living Constitution, The: Federalist Strategies in the Public Debate

Living Constitution, The: Federalist Strategies in the Public Debate

have some quick victories in six states, but in the remaining states the outcome is less certain.
Subject: early Federalist victories
Transcript: . Federalists have some quick victories in six states, You know, pennsylvania, delaware, new jersey, georgia, Connecticut, massachusetts is a little bit dicier

House Divided: Strategies and Positions as War Begins

House Divided: Strategies and Positions as War Begins

The first major battle of the Civil War, the Battle of Bull Run called Manassas in the South, is a major Confederate victory that for them confirms
Subject: Confederate victories
Transcript: that battle was a great southern victory. [emory m. Thomas:] the union army had taken to its heels And run, in many cases literally, All the way back to

Not Much of a War: Securing Aid from Abroad

Not Much of a War: Securing Aid from Abroad

Continental army in the mid-Atlantic states combined with the stunning American victory at Saratoga that openly brings the French into the conflict proves to be
Subject: victory at Saratoga
Transcript: the set piece battles that matter. There are important battles; Saratoga is probably the most important. The early victories at lexington and concord

Leader for a Nation: Art of the Possible: Negotiating for Success, The

Leader for a Nation: Art of the Possible: Negotiating for Success, The

presidents have dealt with this problem in different ways, depending on their margin of victory and how comfortable they are in negotiating and bargaining with
Subject: president's margin of victory
Transcript: victory was, and second, What their personality is, and how comfortable they are In negotiating and bargaining with the congress. Politics is all about

1920s...Beyond the Glitter, The: Hoover-Smith Presidential Race, The

1920s...Beyond the Glitter, The: Hoover-Smith Presidential Race, The

Republicans choose Herbert Hoover as their Presidential candidate in 1928. Democrats nominate New York Governor Al Smith. While Smith is popular with the metropolitan areas in the north, he has little in common with the farmers in the Midwest or Sou...
Subject: reasons for Hoover's victory

Decade of Discord: Lincoln-Douglas Debates, The

Decade of Discord: Lincoln-Douglas Debates, The

Abraham Lincoln and Stephen Douglas vie for the Illinois senate seat in 1858. Although U. S. Senators are selected by their state legislatures in the 19th century, candidates for the Senate try to increase their chances by appealing directly to thos...
Subject: Douglas victory

Crisis of Authority: Election of 1972, The

Crisis of Authority: Election of 1972, The

Nixon easily wins reelection against Democratic Senator George McGovern in 1972. Nixon aims to make significant cuts in federal programs. He also wants to use the power of the White House to impound monies, refusing to spend money that Congress has ...
Subject: McGovern, George: landslide victory for Nixon

Rivals and Friends: Presidential Election of 1796, The

Rivals and Friends: Presidential Election of 1796, The

The presidential election of 1796 is the first partisan election in the nation's history. As it unfolds, it is a contest not only between the emerging Republican party and the Federalists, but a battle among the Federalists themselves. When John Ada...
Subject: Adams' narrow margin of victory

Hard Times: Election of 1932

Hard Times: Election of 1932

The unpopularity of Hoover virtually guarantees a Democratic victory in the election of 1932. Democratic candidate Franklin Delano Roosevelt is not
Subject: Roosevelt's landslide victory

Warrior to Priest...Presidents of the Early 1900s: The Presidential Election of 1912

Warrior to Priest...Presidents of the Early 1900s: The Presidential Election of 1912

In the presidential election of 1912 Theodore Roosevelt (Progressive), Woodrow Wilson (Democrat), and Eugene Debs (Socialist) compete for the same constituencies: farmers, laborers, and immigrants. Roosevelt endorses minimum-wage legislation and cor...
Subject: Wilson's plurality victory