The German system includes careers the U.S. does not associate with apprenticeships such as banking. Nicole is 18 years old and in the last year of her apprenticeship with significant responsibility.
Cases heard by the Supreme Court are usually of national importance.
To practice considering evidence in relation to the argument being made, we examine an argument against zoos. An activist cites statistics on elephant and polar bear health in zoos.
On the basis of Edith Thompson's letters, prosecutors accused her of putting Bywaters up to the murder of her husband, using selected cryptic passages that could have multiple meanings.
Jason is a high school student from Blue Springs, Missouri with no plans to go to college. The vocational teacher and school guidance counselor set up an academic and work program for him.
Private businesses and state schools work together spending billions of dollars a year to educate Germany's mid-kids. Roland is in high school training to be an industrial electronic technician.
Eleven-year-old Summer is anxious about her new foster placement. Her story includes sexual abuse, filthy surroundings, and a drug-abusing mother.