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traditional groups prefer to ignore women's lib

Subject: strike for equality
PDF text: The New York Times (1851 - 2005) pg. 44 i'he New York TfmM (by MeY9r Liebowitz) for Equality. At center is Betty Friedan, a strike leader. Mr. Goodell

Their little boy

Subject: strike for equality
PDF text: our houie. He js cheapening our property. Please tell us what to do . ..,.. 8&8. . Dea'r888: The sight lof i\ twe-atlEl-a-half-ye~r-old' hoy with no

oppressed women planning baby in

Subject: strike for equality
PDF text: best use of business area. He said there However, the only person the area. would be no change concernwho spoke in opposition idenFerguson said the tempo

we're a movement now 2

Subject: strike for equality
PDF text: AT 7,30& IO,30P.M. MDOD~ ( B~IJIS and' POCO TICkETS: '4.00. .5 00, 600 awo"· obi. no. at ""CHlllon SqIfoO.I. Go,d." C,III., 10. 011." o .. d 01

discriminated against maligned and oppressed men raise cry too

Subject: strike for equality
PDF text: vigorously and vociferously. Their cause is kno~ as "men's lib." It's no joke. "Men's lib" bas become a real cause, and it's gaining some real victories. Men

It was her day

Subject: strike for equality
PDF text: reproduction prohibited without permission. Women Push for Rights With Colorful March Continued from Page 1 ries and promotions for women said, "There Is no

in the march's wake, polarized girl talk

Subject: strike for equality
PDF text: the chUd and said, "I have no one to leave her with." An hour later George Nichols, surveying a. very crowded mUh Av. as the three walked downtown said

jill splashes, lib crashes

Subject: strike for equality
PDF text: that Merk's glucocorticoid, whatever fancy name the company may devL~ for it, does no more for patients at $21.50 a kg. than prednisone, whose wholesale

playboys and housewives

Subject: strike for equality
PDF text: :.:.i_ss K.:.e1_le_m_s_,-as,-k_e_dc::.'....:.~'.:.:...We plans to Join NOW, and he birth control clinics. see' thai as having "no The posters read, "We're ell

enlisted woman sues over sexual rights

Subject: strike for equality
PDF text: in court to the peti. tion. Its personnel would make no comment on it, either, in Pensacola or in Washington:,'~. Reproduced with permission of the