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Showing results - 31 to 40 of 2230
Global Politics: Interconnected World, An

Global Politics: Interconnected World, An

In the beginning, the U. S. was isolated from the rest of the world, geographically and to a large degree economically. In the 21st century that picture has changed dramatically. Production, finance, and culture have expanded globally to the extent ...
Subject: ties with Great Britain
Transcript: history, we were inextricably tied Up with britain and with other countries, And in the 20th century, our ties to the rest Of the world have steadily

Semper Fi : Always Faithful

Semper Fi : Always Faithful

Master Sgt. Jerry Ensminger reveals the Marine Corps' cover-up at Camp Lejeune of one of the largest water contamination incidents in US history. Marine Corps Master Sgt. Jerry Ensminger was a devoted Marine for nearly twenty-five years. As a drill ...
Contributor(s): Tied to the Tracks Films, Inc.

Vision for a Nation: Debate over Representation

Vision for a Nation: Debate over Representation

A major challenge for the delegates is how to devise a system of representation that will work effectively over country of such vast size. There is no model to follow in the 18th century. Madison and other large-state delegates want representation i...
Subject: Massachusetts' tied vote