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Showing results - 31 to 40 of 376
Nutrition for Sports and Exercise

Nutrition for Sports and Exercise

, and carbohydrates needed by an athlete are roughly similar to what the average person requires—and that pricey supplements are no substitute for real
Subject: Athletes -- Nutrition
Transcript: Whether you're a dedicated athlete or just someone who needs to fulfill the school's physical fitness requirements, exercise is part of your normal

Physical Training Strategies: Preparing for a Purpose

Physical Training Strategies: Preparing for a Purpose

discussion include: the three energy systems in the body and each one’s involvement in athletic exertion; types of continuous, interval, and resistance
Subject: Athletics

Crescent Athletic Club, Shore Road, Bay Ridge, N.Y.

Postcard is a color real photo of the Crescent Athletic Club on Shore Road in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn, N.Y. The postcard is undivided, has not been
Subject: Athletic clubs

Nutrition and Hydration in Sports

Nutrition and Hydration in Sports

Correct nutrition and hydration is vital for peak sports performance. This program examines the essential nutritional requirements that athletes need
Subject: Athletes--Nutrition

Sports and Nutrition: The Winning Combination

Sports and Nutrition: The Winning Combination

Proper nutrition plays a major role when we strive to reach our physical potential, and nutrition makes an important contribution to our well-being and ability to perform. Basal metabolism and physical activity determine the amount of food we should...
Subject: Athletes -- Nutrition
Transcript: Do you ever wonder what it takes to be a winning athlete? Getting the right combination of exercise and nutrition can make anyone a winner. By

No. 1--Crescent Athletic Club, Shore Road, Bay Ridge, N.Y.

Postcard is a black and white real photo of the Crescent Athletic Club on Shore Road in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn, N.Y. The postcard is undivided, has not
Subject: Athletic clubs

The coloring of American sport: black and Latino athletes in the twentieth century. Pt. 2 of 3

The coloring of American sport: black and Latino athletes in the twentieth century. Pt. 2 of 3

sports. Professor David K. Wiggins, author of Glory Bound: Black Athletes in a White America, talks about the sociopolitical role of African American

The coloring of American sport: black and Latino athletes in the twentieth century. Pt. 3 of 3

The coloring of American sport: black and Latino athletes in the twentieth century. Pt. 3 of 3

as a football player with the Saint Louis Cardinals from 1965-1966; what incentives African American athletes have to embrace scholastic education; the

The coloring of American sport: black and Latino athletes in the twentieth century. Pt. 1 of 3

The coloring of American sport: black and Latino athletes in the twentieth century. Pt. 1 of 3

their Special Hunger, explains how Jackie Robinson’s breakthrough into baseball’s major league helped Latino athletes make similar breakthroughs. Finally