, and carbohydrates needed by an athlete are roughly similar to what the average person requires—and that pricey supplements are no substitute for real
Subject: Athletes -- Nutrition
Transcript: Whether you're a dedicated athlete or just someone who needs to fulfill the school's physical fitness requirements, exercise is part of your normal
discussion include: the three energy systems in the body and each one’s involvement in athletic exertion; types of continuous, interval, and resistance
Subject: Athletics
Postcard is a color real photo of the Crescent Athletic Club on Shore Road in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn, N.Y. The postcard is undivided, has not been
Subject: Athletic clubs
Correct nutrition and hydration is vital for peak sports performance. This program examines the essential nutritional requirements that athletes need
Subject: Athletes--Nutrition
Proper nutrition plays a major role when we strive to reach our physical potential, and nutrition makes an important contribution to our well-being and ability to perform. Basal metabolism and physical activity determine the amount of food we should...
Subject: Athletes -- Nutrition
Transcript: Do you ever wonder what it takes to be a winning athlete? Getting the right combination of exercise and nutrition can make anyone a winner. By
Postcard is a black and white real photo of the Crescent Athletic Club on Shore Road in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn, N.Y. The postcard is undivided, has not
Subject: Athletic clubs
sports. Professor David K. Wiggins, author of Glory Bound: Black Athletes in a White America, talks about the sociopolitical role of African American
as a football player with the Saint Louis Cardinals from 1965-1966; what incentives African American athletes have to embrace scholastic education; the
their Special Hunger, explains how Jackie Robinson’s breakthrough into baseball’s major league helped Latino athletes make similar breakthroughs. Finally