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Showing results - 31 to 40 of 1109
 Fiscal Policy and Fixed Exchange Rate

Fiscal Policy and Fixed Exchange Rate

Fiscal policy can have a lasting effect on aggregate demand in a fixed exchange rate environment where the bank is forced to alter the money supply.

 Monetary Policy and Flexible Exchange Rate

Monetary Policy and Flexible Exchange Rate

A contractionary monetary policy works under a flexible exchange rate only because the exchange rate effect causes net exports to fall.

Needle Exchange Programs (Part One) and  (Part Two)

Needle Exchange Programs (Part One) and (Part Two)

Dr. Alexandra Levine, Chief of the Division of Hematology at the USC School of Medicine, talks about needle exchange programs and notes that studies
Subject: needle exchange programs
Transcript: Needle exchange programs are very interesting in a scientific And a social way. What it means is that the addict instead of using The same needle

Cardiopulmonary Gas Exchange and Response to Exercise (CPX)

Cardiopulmonary Gas Exchange and Response to Exercise (CPX)

In this video, respiratory therapist Michael Snow examines the heart and lung response to exercise and a breath-by-breath exchange measurement. He

People Walking on the Sidewalk Near Bove Travel & Exchange

18th Ave between 63rd St. and 64th St. in Bensonhurst, Brooklyn, New York

Neanderthal & Homo Sapiens: Genetic & Cultural Exchanges

Neanderthal & Homo Sapiens: Genetic & Cultural Exchanges

Evidence near Budapest indicates co-existence between both species. Procreation, if any, between the two have left no significant traces of neanderthal DNA. Homo sapiens brings, adornment, diversified weapons and tools, and work with bone and ivory.

Rome: Center for Exchange of Ideas (02:53)

Rome: Center for Exchange of Ideas (02:53)

Civil war is a defining feature of the growth of the Roman state. Rome becomes a safe haven for ambitious outcasts; thus it fosters the free exchange

Money never sleeps: global financial markets

Money never sleeps: global financial markets

, fund managers, scholars, and day traders are captured at MIT Sloan, Yale University, Firebird Management, London's foreign exchange market, the Ecole
Subject: Stock exchanges
Transcript: , incomprehensible, elusive, unreal almost. The most well-known amongst them are the equity markets... the stock markets and the foreign exchange markets. But there

Kingsman, October 3, 1988

Vol. LXVIII – No. 4 This issue contains articles on the newly operational campus TV studio and an invitation for the BC soccer team to visit the Soviet Union. Preferred Citation: Title of Newspaper. volume #, issue #, date of publication. Brookly...
Subject: Educational exchanges