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Showing results - 31 to 40 of 2155
The Force of Law: Legislating Against an Environmental Pollutant

The Force of Law: Legislating Against an Environmental Pollutant

process, and the outcome of their legislative struggle against MTBE.
Subject: legislative process
Transcript: ... Narrator: at almost every stage in the legislative process, From committee hearings To debates on the floor of the legislature To signature approval By the

Leader for a Nation: Legislative Responses to Executive Abuses

Leader for a Nation: Legislative Responses to Executive Abuses

Congress rarely uses its power to impeach. More often, it elects to respond legislatively to executive abuses. The War Power Act, for example, came
Subject: legislative response
Transcript: [narrator:] congress has rarely used its power to impeach. more often, it has elected to respond legislatively to executive abuses. There were a lot

Legal Precedent: Executive and Legislative Influence Over Federal Judiciary

Legal Precedent: Executive and Legislative Influence Over Federal Judiciary

Both Congress and the President can exert influence over the federal judiciary by rewriting legislation Congress feels the court misinterpreted
Transcript: [narrator:] at times both congress and the president can exert influence Mover the federal judiciary, whether by rewriting legislation it feels the

What Price Freedom: Republicans Legislate Harsher Approach to Reconstruction

What Price Freedom: Republicans Legislate Harsher Approach to Reconstruction

Republicans in Congress legislate a more radical version of reconstruction through a series of Reconstruction Acts they pass over Johnson's veto. It

Candidates and Campaigns: Contrast Between Early Congressmen and Today's Legislators

Candidates and Campaigns: Contrast Between Early Congressmen and Today's Legislators

and then going home. This self-imposed term limit may seem admirable, but it did not allow people the time to gain the skills legislating requires. In
Subject: one-term legislators
Transcript: washington. On the other hand, they didn't really have much of an incentive To become professional or informed or to gain the skills That legislating requires

Struggle for Equality, The: Landmark Legislation Stimulates Equal Rights Progress

Struggle for Equality, The: Landmark Legislation Stimulates Equal Rights Progress

The Civil Rights Act of 1964 contained provisions to end racial discrimination in public education and public accommodations. Its most controversial aspect, Title 7, prohibited discrimination in employment on the basis of race, religion, national or...
Transcript: [narrator:] some progress has been achieved Mas a result of legislation. [mink:] the civil rights act of 1964, which has-- Certainly not by itself

CT special session act 1972

Subject: legislative hearings
PDF text: ACT NO. I AN ACT MAKING TECHNICAL CORRECTIONS TO LEGISLATION OF THE 1972 REGULAR SESSION. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in

Population Resolution Hearing.1971

Subject: legislative hearings