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Showing results - 31 to 40 of 433
Susan B. Anthony Makes a Compromise

Susan B. Anthony Makes a Compromise

Susan B. Anthony knows that exclusion of black women from the suffrage movement is wrong. Her political instincts told her, however, that she could

Susan B. Anthony Addresses the Court

Susan B. Anthony Addresses the Court

Susan B. Anthony's speech at her own trial outlines the injustices of the laws of men, for men, by men, interpreted by men, and administered by

Susan B. Anthony's Rigged Trial

Susan B. Anthony's Rigged Trial

In 1873, at Anthony's trial, the judge announces that women are incompetent to speak in their own behalf. Before arguments were heard, the judge

Susan B. Anthony: Steadfast to the Cause

Susan B. Anthony: Steadfast to the Cause

Elizabeth Cady Stanton is hurt and disappointed in the vote of censure against her. She asks Anthony to resign the presidency in protest. Anthony

Last Speech of Susan B. Anthony

Last Speech of Susan B. Anthony

At the end of the last day of the convention, Anthony makes her way to the podium to deliver what she knows is her last speech. She urges women to

Failing Health of Susan B. Anthony

Failing Health of Susan B. Anthony

Susan B. Anthony soldiers on, traveling by train from the East Coast to California and Oregon. In 1906, a weak heart finally forces Anthony to slow

Last Days of Susan B. Anthony

Last Days of Susan B. Anthony

On her deathbed, Anthony regrets not seeing the justice she strove for nearly 60 years. Surrounded by loved ones, Susan B. Anthony slips away on

Susan B. Anthony: Born a Quaker

Susan B. Anthony: Born a Quaker

In 1820, Susan B. Anthony is born the second of seven children on her father's farm. Though the Quakers are austere, they nevertheless believe

Susan B. Anthony: Political and Social Causes

Susan B. Anthony: Political and Social Causes

Anthony throws her considerable energy into political causes--anti-slavery, temperance, and women's rights.

Virtual Data Collaboratory (VDC): A Regional Cyberinfrastructure for Collaborative Data Intensive Science

Virtual Data Collaboratory (VDC): A Regional Cyberinfrastructure for Collaborative Data Intensive Science

The Virtual Data Collaboratory (VDC) is a NSF-funded project aimed at designing a federated infrastructure that integrates the state of the art data-intensive computing platforms, storage, and networking, with an innovative data services layer acros...
Contributor(s): Simonet, Anthony