Preferred Citation: Title of Newspaper. volume #, issue #, date of publication. Brooklyn College Illumira, url, accessed on mm/dd/yyyy.
Subject: Sex discrimination in higher education
learning management systems such as Blackboard or Canvas. Enter Quip, a collaborative authoring and communication tool that is well established in such major
Subject: Higher Education
The session discusses a situation wherein Madonna University's successful navigation of a massive hardware meltdown results in cut costs, reduced IT
Subject: Higher Education
Recent shifts in education from a teacher-centered to a learner-centered paradigm are creating opportunities to design new learning spaces to support
Subject: Higher Education
those interested in increasing recruitment.
Track: Education and Technology
Series: Education And Technology
Subject: Higher Education
courses, identifies factors that influenced student adoption of this innovation, and provides recommendations for higher education institutions implementing
practicality of creating a framework for Higher Education professional development programs to engage, train and develop K-12 Technology Directors regarding
Series: Education And Technology
Subject: Higher Education
-based instruction. In a practical manner, learn how one institution with 35 remote campuses across the state of New York optimizes instructional resources and extends
Series: Education And Technology
Subject: Higher Education