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Showing results - 31 to 40 of 83
The Role of Gender: Similarities and Differences Between Men and Women

The Role of Gender: Similarities and Differences Between Men and Women

The fact that gender is a very different experience for males and females might suggest that men and women are fundamentally very different. But according to many who study gender, this is a fallacy.

The Role of Gender: Women's Professional Football

The Role of Gender: Women's Professional Football

A woman who plays in a women's professional football league talks about her decision to join the league and discusses the reactions of friends and family

Families Today and Tomorrow: Stepfamilies

Families Today and Tomorrow: Stepfamilies

Given the number of divorces and remarriages that take place in the United States each year, stepfamilies have increasingly become a common family form in 21st century America. But as with families in general, there is no single, iron-clad definitio...

The Role of Gender: Gender Socialization

The Role of Gender: Gender Socialization

The gender socialization process teaches children from a very early age how to differentiate between males and females. Over time, most boys and girls take on gender-related traits and incorporate them into their behavior. There has been a longst...

The Role of Gender: Changing Gender Roles at Home

The Role of Gender: Changing Gender Roles at Home

The rapidly increasing number of women in the labor force has been both a cause and effect of the shift in gender roles in recent years. Women have had less time and often less energy to devote to their traditional role as homemaker. This has trig...

Changing Families: Role of Family and Social Change, The

Changing Families: Role of Family and Social Change, The

Despite enormous changes in the forms that families may take, family as an institution somehow endures and continues to play a uniquely important role in society.

Growing Older: Aging and the Loss of Independence

Growing Older: Aging and the Loss of Independence

In some cases, owing to either physical or mental issues, elderly adults are forced to accept an often painful loss of independence.

Growing Older: Longevity Revolution, The

Growing Older: Longevity Revolution, The

In the last hundred years, the average life expectancy in the United States has increased by nearly sixty percent. This has been called by some the "longevity revolution."

Growing Older: Planning for the End of Life

Growing Older: Planning for the End of Life

As the end of life draws near, family members may be called on to make difficult decisions. This can be especially traumatic if their loved one hasn't previously made his or her wishes known.

Growing Older: Grief Lifters Support Group

Growing Older: Grief Lifters Support Group

Grief Lifters is a support group that helps seniors cope with the loss of loved ones by encouraging them to express their feelings, both verbally and in writing.