This clip explains that, when multiplying three or more signed numbers, if the number of negative factors is even, the product is positive. If it's odd, the product is negative.
This clip explains what it calls "a handy shortcut" that works when multiplying by powers of ten. "To multiply a decimal number by 10, move the decimal point one place to the right. To multiply by 100, move it two places to the right. To multiply by...
This clip explores the pros and cons of starting a business vs. buying an existing firm.
This clip explains that all numbers have a square root, but not all square roots are whole numbers; many are decimals. The clip then states that, "Â…there are ways to figure out square roots, but none of them are very pleasant, and people hardly eve...
This clip explores the pro's and cons of having a home-based business. The primary advantage is the cost savings. One disadvantage can be a sense of isolation.
This clip explores the most common types of physical distribution, including air, rail, truck and sea. The clip talks about the factors that go into the selection process, noting that the key to successful distribution--apart from physical capabilit...
This clip summarizes the material presented in the lesson on percent in word problems. It touches on several of the key terms and concepts, including proportions and cross-multiplying. It also mentions some of the special words that come up in busin...
This clip reiterates that proportion is the key idea in all work with percent. The clip notes that while there may be quicker ways to handle a percent problem, we can always get started with this type of problem by setting up a proportion because, "...
This clip explains the difference between primary and secondary data, noting that each can be valuable in its own way for the entrepreneur seeking to gauge the prospects for success.
This clip explains the basic rules for multiplying decimals, stating that the first step is to multiply the numbers as if they were whole numbers, and then count up the number of digits to the right of the decimal point in both factors to determine ...