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Showing results - 31 to 40 of 61
Decline of Unions

Decline of Unions

Professor of Sociology and Public Policy Dalton Conley talks about the decline of unions in the latter half of the 20th century. He says that today, only one American worker in ten is a member of a union. Professor Conley discusses various possible ...

Social Class and Social Mobility

Social Class and Social Mobility

Professor of Sociology and Public Policy Dalton Conley talks about what he says is the myth that the United States is the land of opportunity and social fluidity. According to Professor Conley, although most Americans believe the United States to be...

Social Class in America

Social Class in America

Professor of Sociology and Public Policy Dalton Conley observes that sociologists have traditionally viewed social class in America as being a function of three elements: education, occupation and income. Professor Conley argues that there's actuall...

Implications of Disparity in Wealth Accumulation

Implications of Disparity in Wealth Accumulation

Professor of Sociology and Public Policy Dalton Conley talks about the practical implications of having more or less wealth. He argues that those with adequate financial resources generally attend better schools, and have more financial support as t...

How Wealth is Passed On

How Wealth is Passed On

Professor of Sociology and Public Policy Dalton Conley talks about some of the ways in which wealth is passed on from one generation to the next. As an example, he cites the fact that many parents pay for the cost of college for their children, or h...

Health and Inequality

Health and Inequality

Professor of Sociology and Public Policy Dalton Conley talks about the complex relationship between health and a variety of factors, including social, racial and economic inequality.

Assisting Third World Nations

Assisting Third World Nations

Professor of Sociology and History Craig Calhoun talks about the challenge of providing First World technology to Third World countries. He notes that without adaptations that take into account the specific conditions and environment in a Third Worl...

Global Challenges and Relief Efforts

Global Challenges and Relief Efforts

Professor of Sociology and History Craig Calhoun discusses the wide range of cultures and political systems in Southeast Asia and Africa, places which he says most Americans never hear about unless there's an earthquake, flood, civil war, or other d...

Fitting In: Socialization in Non-Intact Families

Fitting In: Socialization in Non-Intact Families

There are many aspects of family life that play an important role in a child's socialization experience. The stability of the family unit is one of the most crucial.

Globalization and the Media

Globalization and the Media

Professor of Sociology and History Craig Calhoun talks about factors that sometimes make media coverage of globalization seem biased. He notes that this isn't necessarily caused by the biases of individual reporters or others in the news gathering b...