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Showing results - 4641 to 4647 of 4647

Chicago Clergy.Six Month Report on the Research Activities of the chicago Clergy Consultation Service.1970

PDF text: accomplishment of the Clergy Services has been in bringing about a standard of reasonable medical costs for abortion service. I 3� VI 0 0 - 3 % (6

Klatch - Coalition and Conflict Among Women of the NR (1988)

PDF text: , there is reason to believe that the findings here are true for the New Right as a whole. For parallel findings of the Old Right, see, e.g., Richard

Integrative Learning: Mapping the Terrain

PDF text: conditions of twenty-first-century life make high demands on our capacities for moral judgment and practical reason (Sullivan 2002). To participate responsibly


PDF text: chat e ie t b either reason toe. in enhl aeotthpo e power. tocw the ahei wavigabed There Iscapac.thae eosto ne ta ten ll e c eioard acti a r c om- wat e


PDF text: ow- just beer in projects in fundamental beics~o, d reviewint the reasons for this power the ofog e Rolph t in domesr a oc - "lgt h atta ag, s- 1ti it

Crossing Borders for Women Health and Nation

PDF text: first reform bill in California to permit therapeutic abortions for a broader range of reasons, including rape, incest, and congenital fetal defects. 6