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Showing results - 41 to 50 of 77
Teaching, writing, and speaking with classroom capture

Teaching, writing, and speaking with classroom capture

Presentation Abstract: Classroom capture technology, typically designed to make faculty-lead classroom activities and instruction available to students for later review, can be repurposed to create interactive self-evaluative learning activities for...

Interactive fiction, texting, and English composition

Interactive fiction, texting, and English composition

Presentation Abstract: As our students spend more time on the Internet and less time with actual physical texts, it becomes essential for educators to adopt new tools to teach the pedagogy of English composition and writing skills. Using the history...

Reaching diverse learners through universal design

Reaching diverse learners through universal design

Presentation Abstract: This approach to Universal Learning Design, which could be applied to all disciplines, incorporates a "Teacher within the Text" linking teachers and students together in a dynamic, digital learning environment. These innovativ...

Delivering eLearning assets in PDF format

Delivering eLearning assets in PDF format

Presentation Abstract: As faculty begin to develop more and more digital assets for their courses it is important to consider how they will deliver them. Using the ubiquitous PDF format it is now easier then ever to deliver your digital assets in a ...

Quality Matters in New Jersey!

Quality Matters in New Jersey!

Quality Matters* (QM) is an internationally accepted program designed to promote and improve the quality of online education and student learning. Multiple presenters from the New Jersey Community College Distance Education Affinity Group will dis...

Home-Grown and Low-Cost Repository for Institutional Effectiveness Assessment: A Custom SharePoint “App”

Home-Grown and Low-Cost Repository for Institutional Effectiveness Assessment: A Custom SharePoint “App”

"Assessment is a tough challenge at any institution. Without a college-wide system, there is little consistency and records are difficult or impossible to find. Commercially-offered products offer that consistency but come with a steep price tag and...

The Undiscovered Continents of Human Potential

The Undiscovered Continents of Human Potential

We can think of media technology as a grand exploration of unimagined human potential. Another way to say this is that when we innovate in media technology, we are also exploring parts of the human brain that haven’t been given a chance to demons...

Differentiated Instruction Methods to address the needs of all students

Differentiated Instruction Methods to address the needs of all students

This presentation will address the learning needs of Digital Natives. Students and children today are heavily exposed to gaming, new media and mobile devices. This presentation will propose several Instructional Methods involving these technologies....

How to Present at Academic Conferences

How to Present at Academic Conferences

This webinar session provides invaluable information regarding equipment in conference layout at the Wyndham Conference Center. Mary Zedeck and Heidi, instructional designers at Seton Hall University have put together a “how to” and “what not...

Simulation technology: a bridge to reality

Simulation technology: a bridge to reality

Presentation Abstract: The use of simulation and the technology that supports it is becoming a signature pedagogical innovation in healthcare professions education. It bridges the gap between education and clinical practice in the real world. The us...