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Showing results - 41 to 50 of 131
MySpanishLab Navigation Video

MySpanishLab Navigation Video

Tutorial Video

Just-In-Time Faculty Professional Development using Video Tutorials

Just-In-Time Faculty Professional Development using Video Tutorials

Creating just-in-time tutorials can provide an innovative approach for faculty professional development. Instructional Design and Track: Technology

Residence License and Housing Preferences

Residence License and Housing Preferences

Residence and Dining License and Housing Preferences tutorial for RMS.

Using the captions management page and options.

Using the captions management page and options.

A tutorial on using the captions management page and options.

Accessing caption creator tool from LMS interface

Accessing caption creator tool from LMS interface

Tutorial on accessing caption creator tool from LMS interface

Free Online Tutoring at CSI

Free Online Tutoring at CSI

A video tutorial for the College of Staten Island's online tutoring service,

Creating captions with keyboard shortcuts using the caption creator tool

Creating captions with keyboard shortcuts using the caption creator tool

This tutorial video demonstrates creating captions with keyboard shortcuts using the caption creator tool in NJVID.

Using the Team Editor in ANGEL

Using the Team Editor in ANGEL

A brief tutorial on how to add and edit teams in ANGEL.

Creating and Managing Collections using Learning on Demand

Creating and Managing Collections using Learning on Demand

This tutorial video shows how Institutional Administrators can create and manage their institutional collections using the Learning on Demand
Transcript: This is a tutorial on creating and managing collections using the Learning on Demand Service on NJVID The new Learning on Demand interface now gives

Viewing Cataloging Records for videos on NJVID

Viewing Cataloging Records for videos on NJVID

This tutorial shows the user, how to view the MARC catalog and related records for a video available on NJVID.
Transcript: This tutorial explains how to view the MARC records for videos on NJVID The availability of the MARC cataloging records are one of the