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Playing Unfair

Playing Unfair

Playing Unfair provides an in-depth critique of the sexism and homophobia that pervade media representations of female athletes. Sports media
Subject: Women athletes

Excelsior, May 24, 1989

over the postponement of the vote to determine athletic eligibility. Preferred Citation: Title of Newspaper. volume #, issue #, date of publication
Subject: College athletes;Universities and colleges--Athletics

Excelsior, September 9, 1988

Volume 1, Number 1 This issue covers articles on the Kingsman student newspaper's office being vandalized, the BC football team program being canceled and then funded for one more season by BC alumni, and a revision to the requirements for student ...
Subject: College athletes

Excelsior, March 6, 1989

Volume 2, Number 6 This issue covers articles on the CLAS Athletics Referendum that passed which allowed the football team to retain funding, the
Subject: College athletes

Mental Imagery

Mental Imagery

Learn how mental imagery and relaxation enhance athletic performance.

Gold and Silver Winners: Editing & Television/Cinema

Gold and Silver Winners: Editing & Television/Cinema

Puma wins for "After Hours Athlete."

1936 - Jesse Owens and Joe Louis Debunk Hitler's Claim of Aryan Superiority

1936 - Jesse Owens and Joe Louis Debunk Hitler's Claim of Aryan Superiority

Jesse Owens and Joe Louis showed that black athletes could defeat Germany's greatest athletes before World War II.

1956 - Althea Gibson, First Black Woman To Win a Tennis Grand Slam Event

1956 - Althea Gibson, First Black Woman To Win a Tennis Grand Slam Event

Althea Gibson, a Black athlete in tennis, opened the door for Black women athletes in American sports.

1956 - Tennis-Pro Althea Gibson Becomes the First African American Woman to Win Grand Slam Tourney

1956 - Tennis-Pro Althea Gibson Becomes the First African American Woman to Win Grand Slam Tourney

Althea Gibson, a Black athlete in tennis, opened the door for Black women athletes in American sports.

Beauty Mark

Beauty Mark

's personal odyssey with fascinating insights from athletes, body builders, fashion models, and inner-city teens, as well as prominent cultural critics and
Subject: Athletics