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Big Mama

Big Mama

In Big Mama, a devoted grandmother struggles to raise her orphan grandson alone in southcentral Los Angeles. She deals with her own failing health

Big Picture, The

Big Picture, The

Personal selling offers a broad range of career opportunities requiring a wide variety of expertise and skills on the part of the salesperson. Positions range from entry level jobs as sales trainees to highly paid sales supervisors and managers.
Series: The Big Picture

Northeast Big Data Hub: Data Streams, Online Platforms and Cybersecurity

Northeast Big Data Hub: Data Streams, Online Platforms and Cybersecurity

This session provides an overview of the Northeast Big Data Innovation Hub's mission, recent activities, partnerships across sectors, and
Series: Big Data & Analytics

Panel on Data Access

Panel on Data Access

storing data. Deepen your knowledge of how data is being used and better understand your data dependencies and risks. Track: Big Data & Analytics
Series: Big Data & Analytics

The Visual Appeal of Big Data as Experienced through VR & AR

The Visual Appeal of Big Data as Experienced through VR & AR

This session is focused on exploring and presenting big data through the lenses of Virtual and Augmented Reality. Highlights include sponsored
Series: Big Data & Analytics

A Cyberinfrastructure Ecosystem to Support Research - Scaling from Local to National

A Cyberinfrastructure Ecosystem to Support Research - Scaling from Local to National

: Big Data & Analytics
Series: Big Data & Analytics

Creating a Data Informed Culture: Paving the Road to Big Data and Analytics

Creating a Data Informed Culture: Paving the Road to Big Data and Analytics

accreditors reports. In this era of “big data,” the ultimate question has become: “How are we using data to make good decisions?” Universities collect
Series: Big Data And Analytics

Data Cyberinfrastructure for End-to-end Scientific Workflows: Experiences from the Ocean Observatories Initiative

Data Cyberinfrastructure for End-to-end Scientific Workflows: Experiences from the Ocean Observatories Initiative

session shares recent research that leverages cyberinfrastructure to support end-to-end data-driven workflows. Track: Big Data & Analytics
Series: Big Data & Analytics

Virtual Data Collaboratory (VDC): A Regional Cyberinfrastructure for Collaborative Data Intensive Science

Virtual Data Collaboratory (VDC): A Regional Cyberinfrastructure for Collaborative Data Intensive Science

requirements and challenges, skills requirements, as well as workforce gaps in big data, data science and analytics. Track: Big Data & Analytics
Series: Big Data & Analytics

Question of Sovereignty, A: Great Society Increases Size of the Federal Government

Question of Sovereignty, A: Great Society Increases Size of the Federal Government

toward the federal government. Politicians from the South and from conservative Republican areas were concerned about this new growth of the national
Series: American Government And Politics
Transcript: [narrator:] the great society initiatives of lyndon johnson's administration further tilted the balance of power toward the federal government. These