Vol. 57 – No. 1
This issue contains multiple articles on the looming effects of CUNY budget cuts.
Preferred Citation: Title of Newspaper. volume #, issue #, date of publication. Brooklyn College Illumira, url, accessed on mm/dd/yyyy.
Vol. XXXIII – No. 8
This issue contains articles on the approval of a referendum on draft policy by the Executive Council, the Board of Higher Education's budget providing free tuition for associate's degree candidates, and Baruch School of Busine...
Vol. XXIII—No. 1
Dr. Clarence O. Senior has been named to the 9 man Board of Education, BC faculty welcomes 40 new teachers with Dr. Dr. Clarence O. Senior joining sociology department at BC, BC Student Union and Social Science Building will res...
Vol. LXIV – No. 5
This issue contains articles on a protest against campus bookstore policies, a campus lecture by an Afghan mujahideen fighter, proposed changes to the student government typewriter service, and the dean of education being named t...
Vol. LVII – No. 6
This issue contains articles on how budget cuts are affecting campus maintenance, rumors of a potential resignation by the BC president, and confusion over garbage disposal procedures.
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Vol. LII – No. 5
This issue contains articles on the release on a governance plan that increases student power, a brief student occupation of the BC President's office, and the death of a BC student.
Preferred Citation: Title of Newspaper. volume...
Vol. XXVI—No. 12.
Executive Committee has BC rejoin the National Student Association, Ellis Krauss of the Interfraternity Council is elected Executive Council President, strongest ever Baroque Festival begins 5/11/63, Leon Bibb to join previously...
Vol. LXXVI – No. 6
This issue contains articles on the formation of a Students Against Drunk Driving chapter and a threat by administration to evict student clubs from the campus club compound.
Preferred Citation: Title of Newspaper. volume #, is...
Vol. LIII – No. 11
This issue contains articles on a campus power struggle over governance plans, opposition to the proposed English proficiency exam, and revisions to campus drug policy.
Preferred Citation: Title of Newspaper. volume #, issue #,...
Volume 2, Number 16
This issue covers articles on the vetoing of the CUNY budget cuts, students who fell victim to chain snatching, and the details over the postponement of the vote to determine athletic eligibility.
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