. In this short film, Ju/'hoan women rest, talk and nurse their babies while lying in the shade of a baobab tree. This film is a good illustration of
Contributor(s): Marshall, John
One of the first voices in the environmental consciousness movement was John Muir, who lobbied for preservation and the creation of the National Park
Subject: John Muir
Transcript: [ narrator ] the industrial ethic that sees natural resources and wilderness... as a vast reservoir of raw materials awaiting exploitation... grew
Ruskin writes "The Stones of Venice," a book about architecture. His work is looking, analyzing, and understanding. Architecture expresses
Postcard is a color illustration of 4 children in a room with the advertisement for John Morch, Dealer in Boots and Shoes, on the board. The postcard
John Capps of Harrisonburg Virginia, discusses his experience serving in the first Persian Gulf War, his involvement with the VFW post in
Contributor(s): Capps, John
Records an interview with John Hall, feed mill operator at Southern States Feed Mill, a farmer-owned operation with a store in Harrisonburg, Virginia
Contributor(s): Hall, John
Records an interview with James O. Mehegen, poultry grower and breeder in Harrisonburg, Virginia. Mehegen owns a breeder facility, and contracts with
Contributor(s): Profita, John
John C. Dvorak is a pioneering tech journalist whose work has been read around the world since the 1980s. His column "Inside Track" currently appears
Postcard is a black and white real photo of St John the Baptist Church in Brooklyn, N.Y. The postcard is divided, has not been mailed, and is circa
union as a driver in 1975, eventually rising to the post of president of the union in 1997. Discusses general working conditions in the Shenandoah Valley
Contributor(s): Farrish, John D.