While Hadley cells are generally considered to be the most basic of atmospheric cells, there are a number of other air circulation patterns, as well. These include the east-to-west moving Walker cells, and the circulation zone located near the equat...
Subject: ocean
Transcript: surface temperature Like the western pacific ocean and cooler regions In the eastern pacific ocean, Where one gets overturnings again. And so, these
At one time, Earth was a very different planet than it is today. Its atmosphere, in particular, bore very little resemblance to the one that we depend on for the air we breathe. It probably consisted primarily of carbon dioxide and nitrogen gas.
Subject: ocean
Transcript: even comets and these have a certain amount Of water contained in them. And the build up of this water produced ultimately the oceans On the surface of
The "Big Bang" is the commonly accepted theory of the origin of the universe. Most scientists believe this cataclysmic explosion took place about fourteen billion years ago. It is widely thought that the universe has been expanding ever since.
Subject: ocean
There are many questions yet to be answered about how, why and where life on Earth began. There are those who believe that DNA protein-based life as we know it may have had its origins in the world of RNA.
Subject: ocean
The ability to adapt to changing or difficult conditions is clearly necessary if an organism is to be biologically successful.
Subject: ocean
Transcript: some of the earliest forms of oceanic life have, in fact, survived, and can be found in the modern ocean. We have some very good fossil records going
The flow of ocean currents follows predictable patterns governed by a variety of physical factors. For surface currents, which include water flow
Subject: ocean
Transcript: [pierce:] there's a number of factors That influence both the surface ocean currents And the deep ocean currents. On the surface, you have wind
Some scientists are concerned that just as thermohaline circulation has changed significantly over time, it could change again and possibly cause abrupt climate change in both the United States and Europe.
Subject: ocean
Transcript: The thermohaline circulation-- its structure, the patterns-- Really depends on the distribution of continents And the distribution of ocean currents
Many scientists believe that life on Earth began in the ocean, because continental areas on the early Earth did not offer the kind of conditions that
Subject: ocean
Transcript: [narrator:] initially, this process almost certainly took place in the ocean, Min part because continental areas were very limited Min size. but
Given the importance of ocean currents in the marine environment, oceanographers have tried for years to accurately measure them. Advances in current
Subject: ocean
Transcript: [narrator:] given the importance of ocean currents Min the marine environment, oceanographers have tried for years to accurately measure them. but
Once an El Nino event is underway, scientists have a good idea of how it's likely to behave over the subsequent six to nine months. But predicting the onset of such events in advance has proven to be very difficult.
Subject: ocean
Transcript: ocean circulation. but this technology is now being called upon to play a major role in what some scientists think may not be possible-- the successful