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Showing results - 41 to 50 of 52
Health and Inequality

Health and Inequality

Professor of Sociology and Public Policy Dalton Conley talks about the complex relationship between health and a variety of factors, including social, racial and economic inequality.
Subject: race

Great Black Migration, The

Great Black Migration, The

Professor of American studies and history Matthew Frye Jacobson talks about "the great Black migration" from the rural south to the urban north, and credits this for the ultimate acceptance enjoyed by white immigrant groups.
Subject: race

Barriers to African-American Wealth Accumulation

Barriers to African-American Wealth Accumulation

Professor of Sociology and Public Policy Dalton Conley talks about discriminatory practices which prevented most African-Americans from participating in the great American housing boom from the 1950's through the end of the 20th century. Professor C...
Subject: race

African-Americans Move To The City

African-Americans Move To The City

American history professor Alice Kessler-Harris talks about the lack of equal opportunity on the job front for African-Americans who began moving to cities in the 1920's. "I think it's sometimes painful to acknowledge just how discriminatory the wor...
Subject: race

Changing Perceptions of Race

Changing Perceptions of Race

Professor of American studies and history Matthew Frye Jacobson explains that perceptions of race vary over time. "What are now called the 'white
Subject: race
Transcript: One of the things about race that is very powerful And makes it such a powerful force i think In any political economy, but in particular in a

1924 Immigration Act, The (Part Three)

1924 Immigration Act, The (Part Three)

Professor of American studies and history Matthew Frye Jacobson explains that there was significant opposition to the 1924 Immigration Act, but Franz Boas and others who opposed the legislation were not powerful enough to block its passage.
Subject: race

1924 Immigration Act, The (Part One)

1924 Immigration Act, The (Part One)

Professor of American studies and history Matthew Frye Jacobson talks about the inspiration Hitler and other prominent Nazis took from American science and the 1924 Immigration Act. "Hitler saw that law as a real inspiration for the way the state co...
Subject: race

Civil Rights Movement Evolves, The

Civil Rights Movement Evolves, The

an emphasis on integration and a philosophy of "race doesn't matter," to a focus on group rights and integrity, and what came to be called Black Power.
Subject: race
Transcript: civil rights movement had been a kind Of integrationist language. The idea that race doesn't matter and shouldn't matter And should be made not to matter

Race and Ethnicity: Who's Who and What's What?

Race and Ethnicity: Who's Who and What's What?

Professor of American studies and history Matthew Frye Jacobson explains that there are differences of opinion as to what constitutes "whiteness." Individual anthropologists or other social scientists do not always agree with government census categ...
Subject: race
Transcript: identifies i think, what is a central problem In the ways that race operates in the united states, But also where all of this authority and all Of this

Frames of Reference: Impact of Race, Ethnicity, and Gender on Public Opinion

Frames of Reference: Impact of Race, Ethnicity, and Gender on Public Opinion

Race, says Sydney Verba, "is the single most important divide in American politics." People with common ethnic identities often have similar class
Subject: race
Transcript: [narrator:] another factor that comes into play is race and ethnicity. Race is... The single most important divide in american politics. It has been