Every parabola has an extreme value, which is the highest or lowest point on the curve, and is symmetrical.
Using the substitution method to solve a system of equation.
The elimination method of solving a system of equations is demonstrated.
Using the substitution method with a system of equations to solve a practical problem involving use of shelf space.
A word problem involving mixing a solution that needs to be 25 percent chlorine is analyzed, the unknown identified, and a one-variable equation written to solve the problem.
How to write an equation with one variable to solve a practical problem involving rate, time, and distance using a table to help organize the information.
Writing a two-variable system of equations to solve a practical problem involving rate, time, and distance using a table to help organize the information.
Simplifying radicals with cube and other roots and variables.
Using the rules for simplifying radicals with numbers in the radicand to simplify radicals with variables.
How to graph a linear equation with one variable.