About this title: At the end of the 20th Century and the beginning of the 21st, change engulfed the world from social issues to the transmission of information. In Program five we'll see how playwrights dealt with the psychological and social change...
About this title: Program two investigates how playwrights all over Europe reacted to social change in the Age of Industrialization.
About the Series: From the beginnings of western democracy in ancient Greece, plays have been a part of the human e...
Episode 7 showcases the decades of the 60s and 70s, the greatest era of equal rights the nation has ever seen with equality extended to consumers, the elderly, gays, women, workers and children.
Peter Paul Rubens is regarded as the chief exponent of the Baroque style, merging the grace of the Italian High Renaissance with the realism and landscape genres of the northern traditions. In this 14 part series, art historian Tim Marlow explores t...
The painting of Domenicos Theotocopolous, known as El Greco, are among the most distinctive works of the early modern period and marked a radical departure from the naturalism and careful modeling of the Renaissance. In this 14 part series, art hist...
After the triumph of Renaissance art in Florence and Rome, the movement found a new center, the city of Venice, and a new master, Tiziano Vecellio. In this 14 part series, art historian Tim Marlow explores the lives and works of the greatest artists...
In a Spain dominated by fervent religiosity, the painter Diego de Silva y Velázquez emerged as a master practitioner of a secular form of art which lead to a unique relationship with his patron, King Philip IV of Spain. In this 14 part series, art ...
Very little is known of the life of Pieter Breugel the elder whose enigmnatic, humorous, sometimes grotesque paintings remain among the most distinctive examples of Netherlandish art. In this 14 part series, art historian Tim Marlow explores the li...
American women launch the world's first equal rights movement, while Blacks build their own universities for equality in education.
Episode 6 showcases the decades of the 60s and 70s, the greatest era of equal rights the nation has ever seen with equality extended to consumers, the elderly, gays, women, workers and children.