It was once believed that the island of Britain was shaped by continuous invasions and conquering tribes from Europe. But now we know this isn't true. Follow the incredible saga of a glorious 7000 year evolution of Ancient Britain's people - from th...
American history, 20th century American history, United States history, and 20th century United States history are emphasized in this second 20th Century Turning Points program. 20th Century Turning Points in U.S. History is an eight-part series des...
The Northern Great Plains stretch from Minnesota in the east to the Rocky Mountains in the West. During the 19th century, this vast land of prairie grass and buffalo was the domain of the Sioux Indian Nation ... a nation that would soon be at the he...
About this title: In program one AP human geography: Portraying the Earth - Prof. Alec Murphy lays the foundation for all of geography: mapping and other representations of planet Earth . The program presents the history of portraying the Earth from...
The middle years of the first decade of the 21st century were a time of great social change, as America's failing infrastructure was exposed, performance enhancing drugs damaged sports; illegal immigrants made up as much as a tenth of the population...
The geology of the Great Plains is a product of long epochs of sedimentary buildup followed by equally long epochs of erosion. The result today is a dramatic landscape of bluffs, pinnacles and badlands that contain the rich story of ancient sea crea...
About this title: One of the most important subjects in human geography is the relationship between political power, people, and space or territory. Dr. Murphy guides us through the understanding of how political power has evolved and moved across t...
About this title: One of the great debates in geography has been: 'How much does place or physical geography determine human development - cultural and economic?' Using historical examples and present-day case histories, Alec Murphy guides you throu...
Even though the text of the First Amendment provides that "Congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of speech," it has long been established that there are certain categories of expression that do not receive First Amendment protection. One ...
The First Amendment does not protect all forms of speech. Obscenity, child pornography, fighting words, true threats, slander, libel, perjury, and blackmail are just a few of the commonly recognized exceptions to the First Amendment. One of the most...