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Showing results - 51 to 60 of 410
Examples of Simplifying Expressions Written in Parentheses

Examples of Simplifying Expressions Written in Parentheses

Using more than one of the rules for exponents to simplify expressions written with parentheses.

FOIL Method for Multiplying Binomials

FOIL Method for Multiplying Binomials

Using the FOIL method to multiply two binomials. FOIL suggests the order, by position, in which terms should be multiplied: first, outer, inner, last.

Explanation of Like Terms

Explanation of Like Terms

The definition of like terms in an algebraic expression. Identifying terms that are and are not like terms.

Factor 14n   35p

Factor 14n 35p

Demonstration of factoring a polynomial with no like terms: 14n 35p,

Expressions That Have No Common Radical Factor

Expressions That Have No Common Radical Factor

Simplifying a radical expression that has no common radical factor using subtraction.

Factor 10b2c4d - 6b3c4d2

Factor 10b2c4d - 6b3c4d2

Practice factoring: 10b2c4d - 6b3c4d2

Exercises in Finding Like Terms

Exercises in Finding Like Terms

Exercises in identifying like terms.

Factor 7x2y2   4xy2 - 8x2y

Factor 7x2y2 4xy2 - 8x2y

Practice factoring: 7x2y2 4xy2 - 8x2y

Factor 18x - 12y

Factor 18x - 12y

Using the distributive law to factor the polynomial 18x - 12y is demonstrated.

Factor 21a5b7 – 7a4b6c

Factor 21a5b7 – 7a4b6c

Practice factoring: 2la5b7 — 7a4b6c