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Bell.limitation of federal funds for abortion AG opinion.1977

Subject: legislative hearings
PDF text: contemporaneous medical treatment of rape and incest victims which may prevent fertilization or implantation. Legislative history is to be considered in

Bell.limitation of federal funds for abortion AG opinion 2.1978

Subject: legislative hearings
PDF text: pursuant to § 101 of Public Law 95-205,91 Stat. 1461 (1977), are reasonable and are consistent with available legislative intent with respect to federal

Packwood.The Role of the Federal Government.1971

Subject: national legislation (pre Roe)

Chronicle of Activities of Comm. for Cook-Leichter Bill (First Person Acct of NY Repeal Bill Psg by 2 Pro-Choice Advocates)

Subject: legislation
PDF text: plarmed in ou'tPofCloityr nauepap®~s meN lowar, tocu.s1ng on ll1"eas which na®dad constituent presS'UJ'e on legislators. The ads urged citiBBlls who

Philosophy of Ethics (Part One), The

Philosophy of Ethics (Part One), The

Philosopher Stephen Toulmin argues that neither Immanuel Kant nor Jeremy Bentham believed that there's an absolute moral formula that can be applied in all cases.
Subject: legislation

Making waves : public access vs. private rights at the Jersey shore.

Making waves : public access vs. private rights at the Jersey shore.

Discusses the controversial issue of beach access in New Jersey and includes an examination of home rule and the concept of private property. The investigation begins with Dr. L.M. Renzulli, Jr., a history professor at Fairleigh Dickinson Universit...
Subject: Beaches--Law and legislation--New Jersey

DMCA and Online Service Provider Limitation on Liability

DMCA and Online Service Provider Limitation on Liability

Host Jeannine Edwards explains that the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) amended the copyright law to provide limitations for service provider liability relating to material online; then introduces attorney Arnie Lutzker who addresses: the OS...
Subject: Online information services -- Law and legislation -- United States

DMCA - The Digital Millennium Copyright Act in Detail

DMCA - The Digital Millennium Copyright Act in Detail

Passed by the U.S. Congress in 1998, the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) is a complex piece of legislation, which made major changes in U
Subject: Internet -- Law and legislation -- United States

Chaos of Experimentation, A: Roosevelt's Court Fight

Chaos of Experimentation, A: Roosevelt's Court Fight

Subject: fea rof Court's overturning key legislation
Transcript: pack the court with his nominees Who would then put through his legislation. It was a crude effort And he failed in the legislature, But he woke the

Kingsman, May 26, 1967

Vol. XXXIV – No. 14 This issue contains articles on the restoration of the CUNY budget by a City Council vote, the approval of a new draft law by the House of Representatives, and a new master's degree program scheduled to begin next term for spec...
Subject: Draft--Law and legislation--United States