Known as Avogadros number, the mole is a unit of measure that means a very large number, 6.02 X 10(23), used to count particles.
Government spending has risen drastically since the 1930s. This segment explores the mid-twentieth-century expansion of government and how the trend
Series: Teaching Tools For Macroeconomics, Government, And International Trade
Subject: Government spending policy--United States--History
Government maintained a hands-off policy toward business and the economy for much of its early history. But in the early part of the 20th century it
Series: American Government And Politics
Subject: government
Transcript: [narrator:] government maintained a hands-off policy toward business and the economy for much of its early history, but gradually became more
Once a bill has passed both the House and Senate, it becomes necessary to reconcile the differences between the two versions of bills. There is no requirement to hold a conference; in fact that is one of the ways the party in power may be able to ki...
Series: American Government And Politics
Transcript: the big issues That you really have to resolve yourself. [sinclair:] also, in the conference committee is often Where the president will weigh in
Former Secretary of State James A. Baker talks about his family background, explaining that, " family was, basically, apolitical."
Series: American Government And Politics
Subject: government
Transcript: My family was basically apolitical. In fact, i have a big clipping on my wall in my office in Houston where my grandfather was interviewed by the
American railroads were responsible for many innovations, including middle management, cost benefit analysis, the common carrier policy, as well as bringing industrial stocks to Wall Street's stock market and the New York Stock Exchange.
Trudy fulfills a lifelong goal of being a dancer even though she is obese, learning body love and acceptance.
looks for the next big thing. Coke invests in niche products it thinks could become a phenomenon.