This clip reviews the basic rules for multiplying decimals, then provides practice problems requiring the student to locate the decimal point. The clip also notes that, "
our rule for decimals is based on the rule for exponents."
This clip summarizes multiplying decimals through a review of key points introduced in the lesson. These include the rule for multiplying two or more decimals, a shortcut for multiplying decimals by powers of 10, and an explanation that the basic ru...
This clip explains what it calls "a handy shortcut" that works when multiplying by powers of ten. "To multiply a decimal number by 10, move the decimal point one place to the right. To multiply by 100, move it two places to the right. To multiply by...
This clip explains that all numbers have a square root, but not all square roots are whole numbers; many are decimals. The clip then states that, "
there are ways to figure out square roots, but none of them are very pleasant, and people hardly eve...
This clip summarizes square roots. It revisits the meaning of square roots and squares, then reminds us of the usefulness of square root tables. The clip also mentions that decimal square roots are neither terminating nor repeating decimals, and tha...
This clip explains that, instead of using a unit conversion factor to solve a problem, the student can use the decimal method, which the clip calls "a shortcut." "When we convert from metric to U.S. units," the clip notes, "we can use the shortcut b...
This clip explains that, when the sides of a polygon are stated in different units, it's necessary to convert so that they are expressed in the same units. Once this is done, the sides can be added up and the perimeter determined. The clip includes ...
This clip presents a practical problem involving the conversion of yards to meters. The student is asked to figure out how much electrical wire is left on a spool of 400 yards after an electrician uses 20 meters of wire for each of 16 apartments. "...
This clip reviews how to solve metric conversion problems with the unit cancellation method.
This clip explains the basic rules for multiplying decimals, stating that the first step is to multiply the numbers as if they were whole numbers, and then count up the number of digits to the right of the decimal point in both factors to determine ...