Solving an equation with two fractions containing different denominators.
Numerators and denominators are packages that cannot be broken up, and must first be simplified.
A guideline is presented: a simplified radical expression never has radicals in the denominator. An expression with a radical in the denominator, but not in the numerator, is simplified using the identity property of multiplication and the process o...
Using the rules for exponents to divide a polynomial by a monomial.
The rules for exponents includes the rule for dividing two monomials with the same base, as demonstrated here.
Examples of simplifying radical expressions with division when numerators contains a binomial.
The solution to an equation with binomials in the denominators is detailed and checked.
A problem to practice solving a equations with a rational expression.
An equation with binomials in the denominators is solved. When the solution is checked, we find that it is not an allowable solution.
A problem combining direct, joint, and inverse variation is demonstrated and solved.