PDF text: '
Church Council's statement of
Legislative Principles, which ap:
'proves amendment of the laws
governing abqrtion to permit tel"
mination of ,pregnancy un
PDF text: '
Church Council's statement of
Legislative Principles, which ap:
'proves amendment of the laws
governing abqrtion to permit tel"
mination of ,pregnancy un
PDF text: all invasions on the part of the Government amI
its cmployees of the sanctity of a man's home and privacies of
life. It is not the breaking of his doors
PDF text: their Creator
with certain inalienable rights, that among these rights are
life . . . that to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men
PDF text: have t o be s o wide open.
o n l y t h i n g about it which
big thing
- - and
it's a
which l e a d s t o c o n f u s i o n i s
t h e phrase
PDF text:
representativeness of government and deepens the thoughtfulness
of its own deliberations if it stays out of a dispute untillegisladeliberations
until legislatures and