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Showing results - 61 to 70 of 3349
What is Media Literacy?

What is Media Literacy?

Media Literacy is the ability to access, analyze, evaluate, and create media in all its forms.

Summary of Media Literacy

Summary of Media Literacy

In order to be media literate, one should be active in media consumption, learn the concepts and ask the right questions, learn to recognize social

Interpreting Media Messages

Interpreting Media Messages

People use their personal skills, beliefs and experiences to determine the meaning of media messages.

Security, Media, and Jail

Security, Media, and Jail

No empirical data shows that security processes and mechanisms installed in schools have reduced school violence. Media hysteria created the ground

Crowdfunding and Social Media

Crowdfunding and Social Media

Learn tips for choosing a funding platform, creating a short video, and promoting your crowdfunding on social media.

Media Images of Beauty

Media Images of Beauty

Magazines and the media bombard women with numerous images of thin, flawless women. The Dove campaign combats stereotypical concepts of beauty.

Media and History

Media and History

Media is plural for the word "medium," a vessel through which something else is transmitted like books, music, and movies. Today's

Management of Virtual Media

Management of Virtual Media

E-learning resources from companies who specialize in educational content supplement a teacher's lessons and offer interactive exercises to enhance learning.

Integrating Media into Lessons

Integrating Media into Lessons

Using multimedia can save time writing lessons. Inserting video clips into Power Point presentations effectively engages students and may connect them to experts in a particular profession.

Expanding Vocabulary with Media

Expanding Vocabulary with Media

Multimedia can be used to expand students' vocabulary to help them pass standardized tests. Visual images create a relevant context and enhance understanding.