In the 1930s, Roosevelt's principal critics accuse him of abandoning the Constitution and establishing a tyrannical state. Today historians point to problems the New Deal did not resolve and groups it did not represent. In analyzing the three Rs of ...
The margin of Roosevelt's victory emboldens him to challenge the Supreme Court.. His fear is that the Court will overturn the Wagner and Social Security Acts. Roosevelt's idea is to add one Supreme Court justice for every justice over age 70. The tr...
In 1937 national income nears pre-Depression levels. Roosevelt is forced to cut programs in order to balance the budget. The recession plunges the economy back to depths not experienced since 1933. New Deal measures are evidently not alleviating the...
The Agricultural Adjustment Act is a stopgap measure which designates the government as the buyer of last resorts when price are low. Farmers are also required to plow under crops and slaughter livestock to reduce the surplus, an action that is crit...
The year 1935 is often heralded as the wonderful year of the New Deal with a major revision of banking laws that strengthen the Federal Reserve, the "Soak-the-Rich" tax law; and passage of Public Utility Holding Company Act, the Social Security Act,...
Do the efforts of lobbyists and interest groups enhance or undermine the collective interest of the larger community? That is a difficult call because the United States is made up of so many different communities and groups. There is much work that ...
From its inception, the Constitution has supported both individual and group needs. The right to petition your government, a clause in the First Amendment that is sometimes overlooked, is an essential part of a democratic society. Certain interests,...
The United States experiences great economic prosperity between 1994-2000 in the fields of manufacturing and technology. A recession marks the beginning of the 21st century as the technology bubble burst causing the stock market to decline. With the...
Even with the outpouring of legislation in 1935, Roosevelt's prospect's for reelection in 1936 seem in doubt. Before Huey Long's assassination it was thought that he might become a third-party candidate. Disenchanted liberals are not pleased with Ro...
The United States continues to grow in the 1920s. More and more homes are being electrified in the 1920s, movies now have sound, the first radio network is formed. The literary achievements of the 1920s, many critics believe, are unparalleled in Ame...