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Showing results - 61 to 64 of 64
EdgeCon 2019 Plenary - Sallie Wright, CISSP

EdgeCon 2019 Plenary - Sallie Wright, CISSP

Sallie Wright has been a senior technology executive for almost 40 years. Her tech career has included seven different industries including government and higher education. Besides serving as Fulton County’s CIO until August 2018, she previously f...

EdgePro Solutions Enhance Student Services & Engagement

EdgePro Solutions Enhance Student Services & Engagement

EdgePro aims to enable NJEdge members to achieve operational efficiency while providing the highest levels of student, faculty, and staff support 24/7/365. With EdgePro, we’ve brought together essential resources to overcome technological challeng...

Offer 24/7 Campus Services & Exceed Student Expectations with a Virtual One-Stop

Offer 24/7 Campus Services & Exceed Student Expectations with a Virtual One-Stop

Supporting students today is challenging – they have customer experience expectations set by Amazon and Apple, and many institutions are being asked to do more with less when it comes to supporting students. In this webinar, you’ll learn how co...