Professor of Sociology and Public Policy Dalton Conley talks about Civil Rights legislation and equal opportunity in the United States. Professor
Transcript: I think the civil rights legislation of The 1960's opened the game up, Let blacks and other minorities onto The playing field, but did nothing To
conformity with the Constitution." Justices do legislate from the bench, argues Jonathan Varat. "No one who interprets the law with discretion and has to make
Transcript: are often talking About whether judges legislate from the bench Or don't legislate from the bench, And it's not a terribly meaningful comment Because no
Improper disposal of hazardous substances removed from both air and water treatment can become solid waste problems. Thermal treatments, like the
Subject: hazardous wastes
Transcript: numerous legislative acts regulating the handling, treatment and storage of hazardous waste. for years, the standard was simply land disposal. but
Cremation rites are the most elaborate rites of passage performed by Balinese householders. Poor families may wait years before accumulating enough resources to cremate their dead, who are buried in the meantime. In 1978 many more cremations than us...
Virginia Colonists created the colonies' first Representative Assembly, the House of Burgesses, while in New England, the leaders of Puritanism, like Thomas Hooker, believed the free consent of the governed gave government its authority and Ca...
Schizophrenics who stop taking medication after being released from prison.
Ronald Cotton was finally released ten years after he had been convicted of rape. The police and victim who had been involved in the attack were
The Marx Brothers, Groucho, Chico and Harpo, changed movie comedies with such hits as Night at the Opera.
Sane or insane? Court verdicts and parole decisions alike often hinge on that single crucial question. This program explores the intricacies of psychiatric evaluation and parole risk assessment with forensic psychologist Jeremy Coid, clinical psycho...
Subject: Mental Competency--legislation & jurisprudence--United States
Transcript: sentence, the authorities have to decide if they are safe to be released back into the community. And the wrong decision could have devastating