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Showing results - 61 to 70 of 4647
Is Truth an Idealization of Rational Acceptability?

Is Truth an Idealization of Rational Acceptability?

Philosopher Hilary Putnam explains how his thinking has changed from the time when he stated that truth is an idealized rational acceptability. He now believes that attempting to find one characterization of truth that covers every kind of truth is ...
Subject: Reason, Truth and History
Transcript: I've said in reason, truth and history, i myself said That truth is an 'idealized rational acceptability'. I think now that's wrong but, in a sense

Thinking and Language: Intuition and Decision Making

Thinking and Language: Intuition and Decision Making

more reflective decisions based on thought and reasoning. Daniel Kahneman notes that intuition is like perception, except that we can have intuitions
Subject: reasoning system
Transcript: system And a reasoning system. When you pick up the phone and somebody says "hello" And you say, "what's wrong? " You know, you've picked something up And

Additional Resources & Credits: The Empire of Reason: Science and Islam--The Golden Age

Additional Resources & Credits: The Empire of Reason: Science and Islam--The Golden Age

Additional Resources & Credits: The Empire of Reason: Science and Islam--The Golden Age

Is Reason the Source of Knowledge?: Meno: Platonic Proof of Innate Ideas, The

Is Reason the Source of Knowledge?: Meno: Platonic Proof of Innate Ideas, The

Plato gives a simple mathematical proof for innate ideas in a dialogue called the Meno. A slave boy, who has had no training in geometry, is asked by Socrates to produce a square double the area of a given square. Socrates will put no thoughts into ...

Is Reason the Source of Knowledge?: Locke and Leibniz Debate Theory of Innate Ideas

Is Reason the Source of Knowledge?: Locke and Leibniz Debate Theory of Innate Ideas

The first great 17th century empiricist John Locke borrows many ideas from Descartes. For the most part he accepts the corpuscular theory, but flatly rejects the notion of innate ideas about the world. Gottfried Leibniz concedes that innate ideas ar...

Is Reason the Source of Knowledge?: Theory of Innate Ideas, The

Is Reason the Source of Knowledge?: Theory of Innate Ideas, The

Rationalists believe in innate ideas, ideas that are present in the mind from birth. The concept had a long history beginning with Plato in the 4th century B.C.E. The difficulties and discoveries characteristic of Athens during this period are simil...
Transcript: for descartes, geometry provided the model for indisputable knowledge. [ michael friedman ] plato took reason As the paradigm of knowledge, rather than

Scientific Realism

Scientific Realism

Philosopher Hilary Putnam calls himself a scientific realist for a number of reasons, including his contention that there's no serious difference in
Subject: Reason, Truth and History
Transcript: idea About how the eye works, which also happened in ancient times. I think that a lot of the problems, Including my own attitudes in reason, truth and

What is Human Nature?: Critics of Greek and Christian Views of Human Nature

What is Human Nature?: Critics of Greek and Christian Views of Human Nature

Greek and Christian ideas of human nature have posed problems. Feminists point out that women are seen as creatures of emotion or symbols of temptations of the flesh because of these historical perceptions. Other critics point out that people in pow...
Subject: reason and masculinity
Transcript: they can pose problems. feminists point out that reason is often seen as a masculine trait. women are seen as creatures of emotion, or worse yet

Meaning of Life, The

Meaning of Life, The

Philosopher Martha Nussbaum is critical of those who contend that life only has meaning if there's some external source of value. Professor Nussbaum favors an approach that focuses on what she calls "everyday questions, like how should one live, wha...
Subject: reason

Hegel and the Goals of Life

Hegel and the Goals of Life

rational, which he linked very closely to freedom. In fact, Professor Taylor says, Hegel defined reason very much as Kant did--namely, that one is free when
Subject: reason