Vol. XXXV – No. 9
This issue contains articles on the approval of permanent student observers during Faculty Council meetings, news that fifteen Student Council reps resigned their posts after a debate over BC government, and BC groups planning an...
Vol. XXXVI – No. 6
This issue contains articles on a report that blames students and a BC professor for October demonstrations that led to the arrest of 29 BC students, the appointment of a new group to study student-faculty proposals, and the ban...
Vol. XXX – No. 9
This issue contains articles on the FSCSO's approval of the W.E.B DuBois Club's Constitution, faculty members speaking out to say student unrest is due to restrictions on political freedom, and the disapproval of the dress regulat...
Vol. LXVII – No. 15
This issue contains articles on a sit-in by members of the Haitian Club and results of student government elections.
Preferred Citation: Title of Newspaper. volume #, issue #, date of publication. Brooklyn College Illumira, ur...
Vol. XL – No. 11
This issue contains articles on upcoming discussions to be held by President Kneller with faculty over whether or not to close down BC for the duration of the semester following the student boycotts of classes, the 'liberation' of...
Vol. LXXII – No. 14
This issue contains articles on a campus speech by Meir Kahane and protests against it, a change to core curriculum requirements, and continuing controversy over attempts to defund campus NYPIRG.
Preferred Citation: Title of N...
Vol. XXXVI – No. 13
This issue contains an article solely dedicated to the proceedings of a student sit-in at the Registrar's Office and the subsequent arrest of 42 BC students.
Note: Some of the pages of text are difficult to read. This was als...
Vol. XXXVIII – No. 11
This issue contains articles on the reduction of bail costs for arrested BC students, Student Assembly elections, and news of the annual BC Country Fair.
Preferred Citation: Title of Newspaper. volume #, issue #, date of pu...
Vol. LXV – No. 3
This issue contains articles on plans for facilities upgrades, a meeting between the president and faculty regarding the college's next five year plan, NYPIRG'S goals for the semester, and the resolution of a budget snafu.
Vol. LXVII – No. 13
This issue contains articles on criticism of NYPIRG research and a campus-wide anti-prejudice demonstration.
Note: The volume number changes here again and is never corrected in subsequent issues or volumes.
Preferred Citat...